
English Martyrs Catholic

Primary School

A Learning Community in Christ


Year 6 water fight, July 2019

Our Year 6 footballers winning the national finals of the Danone U11 Small Schools cup!

Fundraising Friday #4 - Talent Show (to raise money for Cancer Research)

Fundraising Friday #3 - Wear a Hat / Mad Hair Day (to raise money for Brain Tumour Research)

smileysmiley International Day of Happiness 2019  smileysmiley


Wednesday 20th March was the International Day of Happiness, and we decided to mark this in school.  We tied helium balloons to the gates (creating huge smiles for the children before they'd even come in), then started the day with an assembly where we thought about how smiling makes us and others happy.  Year 4 and 5 all had named 'happiness balloons' which they had to find; they gave a great demonstration of how, when you work together and share, happiness is easier to find than if you are just focusing on yourself.


Here is what the children did in their classes to mark the International Day of Happiness:


EY -   dancing, singing and making lists of what makes them happy

Year 1 - making happiness cards for their friends which they then gave out

Year 2 - talking about what makes them happy and having a 'gratitude savenger hunt'

Year 3 - talking about what they are grateful for, who and what makes them happy and carrying out 'acts of kindness' throughout the day

Year 4 - talking about what makes them happy and sharing examples in circle time, and creating 'happy bucket headbands'

Year 5 - the children chose what to do that would make them happy, and opted for some calm, quiet time doing origami

Year 6 - listening to favourite music and playing 'happiness bingo'


We hope the photos bring a smile to your face!

Fundraising Friday #2 - Purple Day (to raise money for the Epilepsy Society)

Fundraising Friday #1: Coins for Cafod

Year 1 trip to Pulborough Brooks, February 2019
