
English Martyrs Catholic

Primary School

A Learning Community in Christ

Latest News

Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Arts Week Photos

    Fri 15 Nov 2019 Dr. Townsley

    We had a fabulous arts week, inspired by 'The Dot', which is a story of a little girl called Vashti who thinks that she can't draw, but - with the encouragement of a supportive teacher - soon discovers hidden talents.

    During our arts week, the children were colour mixing, experimenting with different pencils, exploring the work of different artists, and using a range of different materials.  We were also delighted that we had visits from Naomi Frances and her students (from Chatsmore) and a local artist, Tricia Johnson. Thank you to everyone involved and all the parents, friends and family who came to our exhibition to give the children an audience for their work.

  • Gardening Project

    Wed 13 Nov 2019 Dr. Townsley
    We had another visit from our Chichester University students today who are working on creating our environmentally friendly sensory garden.  They have totally cleared and covered all three of the useable beds, and dismantled and turned over the 4th bed.  They are going to be planting these with daffodils and tulips for the Spring time ... but we need your help.  Could you donate a bag of bulbs to us?  We would also be grateful for any donations towards the costs of materials and plants - have a look on for more details.