
English Martyrs Catholic

Primary School

A Learning Community in Christ

Catholic School Inspection Report

Catholic School Inspection: 28th - 29th February 2024


We are delighted to share with our school community the report from our latest Catholic School Inspection.  In this inspection it was found that the Catholic life and mission of our school is outstanding, the quality of Religious education is good and the quality and range of Collective worship is good.  Our overall effectiveness has been graded as good.


We are very proud that the Catholic life and mission of our school has been graded as outstanding as this is about the community of our school, the relationships that we have and how we work together to be a 'Learning Community in Christ'.  It is noted that, "Pupils are very proud of their school and rightly so; ...", "There is a gentleness evident in the relationships between staff and pupils;' and 'Parents and carers are overwhelmingly positive about the school; ...'  


Please do read the report below for more information about our lovely school!

Previous inspection reports
