
English Martyrs Catholic

Primary School

A Learning Community in Christ

How you can support at home

Maths Homework


In maths we set the homework based on the children’s learning for that week. This can change depending on class need and progress. For most children, this is usually 2-4 pages of our mathematics task book from CGP. There are different books for children working at different stages.  We use these because they offer good curriculum coverage for our learners and where we would like them to be at the end of Key Stage 2.


Mathematics homework is issued on a Friday and is due in the following Thursday. We mark it as a class, with the children marking their own work and us, as class teachers, being on hand to deal with misconceptions. The pages for the following week are written up on our maths wall, and for those children with busy weekends we recommend getting it done earlier in the week!

In addition to this, there are a range of excellent websites that offer both challenge and support.

We would love to see your child’s responses to one of the challenges below- no need to print out the original problem, we’ll share and display their solutions in class.


The Nrich website has a good range of problem solving activities- they give a guide to difficulty level, subject area and time allocation.


The white rose barvember website has an excellent collection of bar model problems. It runs as a challenge each November but the range of daily problems are available to access and revisit at any time. These are particularly useful in Year Six, as many of our children struggle with how to solve problems using bar models.


We have also found these websites useful for age-appropriate games and challenges:


English Homework


In English we usually set the homework based on the children’s learning for that week.  It comprises of a mixture of Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (GPaS) and reading comprehension.  English is issued on a Friday and is due in the following Friday. We mark it as a class, with the children marking their own work and us, as class teachers, being on hand to deal with misconceptions.  This can change depending on class need and progress. For most children, this is usually two pages of our English task book from CGP.


Our reading expectation is that the children should read for pleasure for thirty minutes every day.

It is vitally important that they read as much as possible as this will have the biggest impact on their writing as well as benefiting them hugely in knowledge of vocabulary and inference.


 In addition to this, following feedback from parents, we will provide an outline of key reading and writing objectives half termly and offer a range of optional extra homework they can complete at home to support with this. This will be found below.  


Here are a range of excellent websites to explore to help support and challenge:
