
English Martyrs Catholic

Primary School

A Learning Community in Christ

Welcome to Year 5!

The Year 5 team

Welcome to Year Five.


We are really looking forward to working with both the children and yourselves as parents and carers this year. If you have any questions or concerns please contact us via the year 5 email address:


Teaching structure / PPA Cover


Mrs Ingham teaches the class Mondays, Tuesdays and alternate Wednesday mornings. Mr Neve teaches alternate Wednesday mornings, and all-day Thursday and Friday. We communicate regularly and work extremely closely.

In addition, Mrs Collins is covering our PPA time on Wednesday afternoons and.she and Mrs Ellmer will be with us during the week.


PE days


Year 5 will have PE on a Tuesday and Fridays and will need to come to school dressed in their PE kits on those days. 




We encourage the children to take responsibility for their belongings and to bring the equipment they need as appropriate each day. Please remind them to check that their water bottles, PE kits, school clothing and personal items are named to save confusion. They will each have a peg outside the classroom and a personal tray.




Weekly tasks


This year, we will be using a half termly grid of tasks for weekly homework. Children should choose one of the activities from the grid to complete and hand in, either, to Mrs Ingham  or to Mr Neve. All of the tasks on the grid are connected to different curriculum areas that relate to our learning for that half term.



In addition to this, the expectation is still that children read daily, and either they, or an adult, record this in their reading records. Reading is an absolutely vital skill for children to access their learning across the curriculum and practise at home is crucial to children gaining the fluency and understanding required. It also opens children up to new worlds, experiences, dreams and ambitions. It can develop and inspire passions, and fill them with curiosity. What greater reasons are needed to pick up a vast range of books?! 




We will be continuing with our multiple-focused spelling approach this year. This allows children to investigate and learn about spelling patterns and rules as well as really explore the phonemes (sounds) within words, marrying well with the ‘Song of Sounds’ phonics programme used in Key Stage One.

We will  be using the Spelling Shed scheme where children focus on one rule or pattern and explore a list of words that follow this, per week. Each child will be given a Spelling Shed log-in. They will then be able to access online games to practise the spellings from that week. Please support your child to learn their spellings each week, whether this is through the online games or another method. There are a few alternative ideas here:



Learning the Times Tables need not a tedious chore! Learning them can be fun through multiplication and division games that you can find on  We would like your child to practise these as much as possible.  Year 5 children were given a login and instructions to access Times Tables Rockstars at the end of the Summer Term in Year 4.  We hope that lots of practicing went on during the Summer holidays, but daily practice is always a good idea.


The Curriculum


This year we shall have a range of topics: Earth and Space, Anglo-Saxons and Vikings and The Thrill of Brazil . We look forward to showcasing lots of our learning at our parents/carers afternoons. (Dates to be communicated very soon!)


We cannot wait to begin another exciting school year with your children and celebrate their many successes.


From the Year Five Team.




Welcome meeting for parents - Wednesday 18th September 2.45pm
