
English Martyrs Catholic

Primary School

A Learning Community in Christ

Welcome to Year 4!

Summer Term


We have started our Summer Term and are all enjoying learning about the Ancient Greeks and why we still learn about them today.  Our Maths will include fractions, decimals, time and money this half term and in English the children will be enjoying Greek Myths, writing newspaper reports and poetry.


As always, we believe that communication between school and home is key to helping us support your children. If you have any queries or concerns, please do get in touch. I can be reached via email at 


Physical Education:

PE this Summer Term is on a Tuesday and a Thursday.   Children will need to come to school in their PE kit on our PE days and will not be changing kits at school. 



We have enjoyed children presenting their homework recently and I hope the variety on the grid gives everyone a choice and a chance to choose an activity that interests them.   As always, please encourage your children to read everyday as this is hugely beneficial to their continual learning. 


Children should also regularly practice their times table knowledge in order to increase their fluency and speed. Learning the Times Tables need not be a tedious chore! Learning them can be fun through multiplication and division games that you can find on or BBC Maths activities for Key Stage 2 is also useful.  We would like your child to practice these daily. 


There is a homework grid on Google Classroom with 12 activities to be completed over the course of the Summer term. A paper copy of this also went home with your child last week.  Please choose 1-2 activities to complete each week and upload them to Google Classroom or bring them in (and we will file in a folder). These activities are linked to our in-class learning and will benefit your child’s learning experience in school.


Every week, I will also set a spelling test to go alongside our weekly spelling lessons.



We encourage the children to take responsibility for their belongings and to bring the equipment they need as appropriate each day. Please remind them to check that their water bottles, PE kits, school clothing and personal items are named to save confusion. They will each have a peg in the classroom and a personal tray.


Water bottles:

Please make sure your child has a named water bottle in class (this should only contain water, no juice or squash). Please help your child fill their bottle with fresh water each day to ensure the children are not drinking water past its best.


Please get in touch with any queries/questions you have via the email address above.


Looking forward to a fun and productive Summer of learning (with some sunshine, hopefully!)


Mrs Niven and Mrs Wickens

