Welcome to Year 2
Welcome back to a new and exciting year where we will build on existing learning experiences. We will continue to provide an inspiring and enriched Curriculum. This will create high – quality learning opportunities, which will develop and motivate your children’s knowledge and understanding.
The Year 2 Team
Meet the year two team, myself Miss O'Sullivan, Mrs Whattingham and Miss Boutwood. We will also have Mrs De Luca-Smith who will be taking the class on a Thursday morning while I have my PPA time. We all work very closely and communicate together to support the children, and also really value your input as communication between home and school is vital. If you do have any questions or queries please send an email to year2@englishmartyrs.school. We all look forward to working closely with you in partnership in your child’s learning.
Reading is an important and crucial part of learning. The children will have the opportunity to read in school every day. Your child will be read with individually once a week and will be able to change their books in the school library. Please help us by reading with your child at home and signing and commenting when your child has read. Your participation with this is much appreciated.
In Year 2 we will continue to work on our phonics skills, this year focussing on the Stage 3 Song of Sounds programme. Your child will learn to decode letter-sound correspondences using their phonic knowledge and skills. We will also continue to read common exception words by sight. During guided reading sessions your child will carry out tasks to help them understand what they have read, whilst exercising reading aloud with fluency and expression.
Physical Development
PE is taught on Wednesdays and Fridays. We ask that the children wear their PE kits into school on their PE days to minimise the need to bring extra bags into school. As the weather turns colder, the children will be encouraged to wear warmer clothing, such as navy tracksuit bottoms for their outdoor PE sessions.
Homework for Year 2 consists of daily reading, weekly spellings, Times Table Rockstar's and a homework grid, where you will find 9 different home learning tasks. Please choose a task to complete every week with your child. They may wish to choose more than one task a week. Spellings will be sent home weekly on a Monday. The children will be asked to spell their spellings within dictated sentences on a Friday morning.
Thank you for your continued support we look forward to being on this successful school journey with you.